In its real estate section of June 6th 2012, the newspaper Le Temps – a reference in ‚Suisse romande‘ – had a full article on Immodating titled in French Un nouvel outil facilite les relations entre régies et locataires which would translate as ‚A new tool facilitates relationships between agencies and tenants‘. An honnor for our young company! Following meeting the founders of Immodating, the journalist Géraldine Schonenberg makes a portrait of the innovation which Immodating brings to the real estate market.
She indicates for example that the tool will allow to instill more serene relationships between actors of offers and demand (original text in French „instaurer des rapports plus sereins entre les protagonistes de l’offre et de la demande“) with concrete advantages for tenants and agencies such as facilitating the steps of any person searching for a place while simplifying the selection process of agencies (original text in French „facilitant les démarches de toute personne à la recherche d’un logement tout en simplifiant le processus de sélection côté régies“), she continues.
Indeed, on the candidate side for example, Le Temps indicates the advantage of the system is that his data can be re-utilised later on or communicated, via, to any other agency without cost for him, simplifying notably his rental process by saving him precious time(original text in French „l’avantage de ce système est que ses données pourront être utilisées ultérieurement ou adressées, par le biais du site, à toute autre régie sans frais pour lui, simplifiant notablement ses démarches en lui faisant gagner un temps précieux.“)
We won’t say more, see the article for yourself:
– Online by
– PDF.
And of course, feel free to register to our rental services or to ask for a demonstration as an agency! Your feedback is also welcome so tell us what YOU would like from Immodating via our facebook page!
Kindly yours,
Your Immodating team
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