Immodating provides innovative web services in the field of rental in Switzerland. The journal AGEFI announced in first page the recent partnership with Groupe Bernard Nicod.
In its march 13th edition, the economic daily paper of French speaking Switzerland had Immodating in first page! “Le processus locatif facilité” (The rental process facilitated) could we read in the short extract with a picture of the co-founders, while the full article followed on page 8 with the title “Quête numérisée de logement“(Electronic housing quest). Little known from the general public with a circulation of about 10’000 prints (source: Wikipedia), the AGEFI is nonetheless a reference in the economic and financial world in French speaking Switzerland.
Immodating signs with the Groupe Bernard Nicod
The AGEFI is the first to make the information until then confidential: Immodating just signed a partnership with the Groupe Bernard Nicod indeed! The journalist Yoann Schenker announces (translated from French): “The start-up Immodating, based in Neuchâtel, just concluded its first partnership with the Groupe Bernard Nicod in Lausanne. Its web interface, which aims at facilitating relations between agencies and tenants, is indeed integrated to all websites of the 11 agencies in French-speaking Switzerland of the Group.” Bernard Nicod SA is among the largest real estate groups in French speaking Switzerland and therefore an important client to sign for Immodating.
How it works
The journalist explains how the site works, in case you didn’t know yet (translated again). It’s “A tool which currently takes the current format: after visiting a property, a person goes to the site of Immodating, through the site of the agency, where she elaborates his application by indicating his personal information (contact details, financial information…). The agency in question is then notified of the new application and can start the selection process of candidates.”
Who pays what
On page 8, the economic daily explains that Immodating is offered for free to tenant candidats by agencies, here by the Group Bernard Nicod. If one can submit his taxes online why not his rental application, asks the journalist? A tool which aims at being practical and easy for candidates searching for an apartment to rent who can submit their rental application from home at any time of the day.
The management tool is not free for real estate agencies though. A service in which they find advantages as we can read in the AGEFI (translated): “a tool offering important time savings for agencies as well as a better relationship with their tenant clients.” Dear agencies, let’s simplify property leasing together.
To finish, the article reviews the business model of the startup then talks of its sources of financing. Immodating Ltd hasn’t raised any funds indeed (bootstrap mode). One of the founders explains: “We wanted to first prove that our model worked and that we could attract clients. We are now searching for additional funds of around 300.000 Swiss francs to support our growth. We are already in talks with several angels.” Avis aux amateurs.
– “Le processus locatif facilité”, first page summary (PDF – Scan of journal – website AGEFI).
– “Quête numérisée de logement”, article on page 8 (PDF – Scan of journal – website AGEFI).
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